Book Recommendation

As a pastor, what is the most unique and innovative ministry that you have seen? Maybe it’s a ministry that your church does that is unique to you, or maybe it’s something that you’ve heard of someone doing that is totally “out of the box.” I’d love to hear creative ways that people communicate the love of God and meet the needs of others.

Unique and Innovative Ministries

As a pastor, what is the most unique and innovative ministry that you have seen? Maybe it’s a ministry that your church does that is unique to you, or maybe it’s something that you’ve heard of someone doing that is totally “out of the box.” I’d love to hear creative ways that people communicate the love of God and meet the needs of others.


In 2 Corinthians 7:5-6, Paul talks about a time when he was troubled and discouraged, and yet he was comforted and encouraged by the coming of Titus. As a pastor, what types of things have brought you the most encouragement when you were facing a difficult time. Can you give a specific example or two?

Handling the Swings

As a pastor, you encounter people’s highest highs and lowest lows. We know Paul said to rejoice with those that rejoice, and to weep with those that weep (Rom 12:15), but how do you personally manage ministering to people individually during such times? Also, do you have any thoughts on directing your pulpit ministry when you know that some people in your congregation are celebrating great victories, and at the same time, others are going through great challenges?

Church Revitalization

It seems like our church has been in a slump recently… like we’re going through the motions and are seeing some decline. What have other pastors done when they felt it was necessary to revitalize their congregation.

What Would Jesus Say Today?

In Revelation 2-3, Jesus spoke to seven local congregations. To six of them, he gave commendations, telling them what they were doing well. To five of them, he gave words of correction—encouraging them to make needed adjustments. If Jesus were to address your congregation, or the church-at-large in your area, what aspects of the church do you think he would commend, and what area(s) do you think he would say needed to be changed?

How the Spirit Helps

Can you describe a couple of ways the Holy Spirit specifically helps you in your ministry? What difference does he make, and what do you do to make sure that you are partnering with him in ministry?

Invitations/Altar Calls

I would like to know what other pastors do relative to inviting people to accept Jesus, etc., at the conclusion of their church services. What content is important to communicate? What tips and suggestions can pastors offer that will help me be more effective? What “mechanics” do pastors utilize in terms of guiding people through their response to invitation (praying in their seats, coming forward, etc.)? What can be done to promote follow-up discipleship and assimilation into the church? … read more

Honoring Moms and Dads

In the states, Mother’s Day was just observed, and Father’s Day is coming up in June. What do you and your church do to bring special focus to moms and dads on these holidays? How much emphasis do you place on them in your messages, and are there any specific things your church does (or has done) that has been particularly notable?

Your Personal Energy Management

How do you manage your energy level on a weekly basis? For example, what is your energy normally like on Mondays, and how do you plan accordingly? Are there things you strategically do to best manage your energy throughout the week? Are there things you try to do on certain days of the week to use your energy most effectively?


What trait in your own life has been the greatest challenge to you in your ministry? How did you recognize it, and what did you do to overcome it or compensate for it so that it did not adversely affect your church and ministry (or minimized the effect)?

Best and Worst Traits

If there is one trait you love seeing in a staff member or volunteer, what is it? Similarly, what is one trait you feel is especially problematic in a staff member or volunteer?

Getting Counsel

How do you, as a pastor, choose who to receive counsel from? What are some examples of where counsel has been really helpful to you, and have there been instances where it was important that you reject certain counsel?

Bouncing Back

I’d love to learn what other pastors have done in recovering from a misstep? Would you share (1) a mistake you made in pastoring, and (2) what you did to recover from that mistake?

2019 Focus

What do you, as a pastor, see yourself focusing on in 2019? Are there areas of personal growth, staff development, or overall church goals that you have in your heart? What do you want to see happen in this coming year in your life, in your church emphases, and in the lives of those you lead?


We are looking to formalize a process for handling benevolence needs. How do other churches handle such requests, and what processes do they have for receiving, reviewing, and approving benevolence requests? Do other churches use deacons or other staff members for such matters?

Benevolence Requests

We are looking to formalize a process for handling benevolence needs. How do other churches handle such requests, and what processes do they have for receiving, reviewing, and approving benevolence requests? Do other churches use deacons or other staff members for such matters?

Effective Offerings

What tips can you give that will help a pastor be more effective in receiving regular tithes and offerings? What about receiving special offerings, such as for a missionary or guest speaker? Any principles I should understand and implement?

Bible Study Software

What computer software do you use to assist you in your Bible study and sermon preparation? In addition to software that you might pay for, are there free websites that are helpful to you also?

What You Wish People Knew

Is there something you wish people understood about pastors and pastoring? This doesn’t have to be about you personally, but something that would help people better understand, relate to, and receive from their pastor.

Mid-Week Small Groups

We are considering dropping our mid-week “sanctuary service” and offering small groups instead. I would be very interested in hearing from other pastors who have done this type of thing. Did it work well or not? What is the best way to do it? What potential pitfalls should I be aware of?

Most Impacting Series

If there is one series you have taught that had the most significant impact on your congregation, what was it? What was the topic, and what impact did it have?

Relationships With Other Ministers

How important is it for me to have relationships with other ministers in my community? What about relationships with other ministers who are not in my community, but are friends? Honestly, I stay busy enough with my own staff and my own church that it’s not easy to find time for meaningful relationships with peers in ministry. What is the value, and how much effort do other pastors put into their relationships with other ministers?

Keys to Connecting

As a teacher/preacher, I believe that my content is solid, but I’m not always satisfied with how well I feel I am connecting with the people. What advice can other pastors give me on how I can be a better communicator, and more specifically, how I can truly connect better with those who hear me?


It seems like different churches and pastors have different specializations or emphases in their presentation and ministry. I realize every church is called to worship, to teach, to evangelize, etc., but I see some churches being much stronger in certain areas than others. I would like to hear from other pastors how they manage the “general” responsibilities of ministry and still carry out whatever specializations they might feel called to fulfill.